Our Sustainability


AMA’s definition of sustainability focuses on the ability to live life with the best quality without compromising the ability of the next generation to live the same. To deliver a good quality of life to the next generation means delivering a good quality of Air, Water, Economy, and Society.

But the current scenario seems more challenging for establishing a legacy of good quality of life for the upcoming generations. Attempting to establish the same seems like philanthropy and in fact, it is philanthropy. Though, this philanthropy requires the investment of time, money and resources. To invest these 3 (time, money and resources) you need to earn them first.

To establish a sustainable scenario first you need to make yourself sustainable. Those who have been able to sustain have sustainability and can stand. But those who are starting should understand the significance of sustainability first and then help the society for the same.

Bolstering all the three pillars of sustainability

AMA’s endeavors empower the society, economy and ecology; the three pillars of absolute sustainability. We don’t do any deforestation for collecting the raw materials. Farming and collection of raw materials like Indigo leave employ numerous deprived people and it also improves their social ecstasy.

Our government certified in-house R&D stays engaged in creating more impactful and beneficial inventions for mankind. During the testing time of the pandemic, we came with a staggering and effective range of surface and food disinfectants under the brand name HûMaree™.

We keep updating ourselves as per the technological measures along with displaying the path towards a sustainable shift with our products and endeavors.